Prof. Peter Childs

英国帝国理工学院戴森设计工程学院院长 / Head of Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, UK

Professor Peter Childs is Head of the Dyson School of Design Engineering and the Professorial Lead in Engineering Design at Imperial College London. His general interests include: creativity tools and innovation; design process and design rationale; fluid flow and heat transfer, particularly rotating flow; sustainable system design; and robotics. Prior to his current post at Imperial he was director of the Rolls-Royce supported University Technology Centre for Aero-Thermal Systems, director of InQbate and professor at the University of Sussex. He has contributed to over 200 refereed journal and conference papers, and several books including the Handbook on Mechanical Design Engineering (Elsevier, 2013, 2019) as well as co-authoring books on rural urban migration, inclusive sports and sports technology. He has been principal or co-investigator on contracts totalling over £80 million. He is the joint course director for the Innovation Design Engineering double master degree run jointly by Imperial and the Royal College of Art, and Founder Director and Chief Scientific Officer at QBot Ltd.

Peter Childs 教授是帝国理工学院戴森设计工程学院院长、工程设计学科带头人。他主要研究兴趣包括创意工具和创新、设计过程和设计原理、流体流动及热传导、可持续系统设计和机器人。加入帝国理工之前,他曾先后担任劳斯莱斯-英国拉夫堡大学技术中心(Rolls-Royce UTC)航空热学系统实验室主任、英国萨塞克斯大学教授及InQbate设计创新创意教学中心主任。他发表了超过200篇期刊论文和会议论文,并出版了包括《机械设计工程手册》(爱思唯尔,2013,2019)在内的多本专著。同时他也参与合著了多本研究城乡人口迁移、有残障人士参与的包容性体育项目、运动技术的学术专著。他作为项目负责人或共同负责人的项目经费累计超过8千万英镑。他还在帝国理工学院和皇家艺术学院联合创办的“创新设计工程”双硕士项目中担任联席课程主任,同时也是QBot公司的创始人、总监和首席科学家。

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Title and Synopsis of the presentation

Keyshot Title:  Design Engineering

This is based on an analysis of the current state of engineering and design teaching, and opportunities identified in a changing technological and industrial context. Alternative options and building blocks for curriculum content are discussed along with evidence for particular pedagogic, research-led, design-led and innovation-led approaches. The result is a curriculum that exploits the interplay between cognitivism, constructivism, humanism and behaviourism learning theories in its implementation.
