

“亚洲校园”,全称为“亚洲大学生集体行动交流计划”(“Collective Action of Mobility Program of University Students”),项目是由中国教育部同韩国教育科学技术部、韩国大学教育协议会、日本文部科学省联合制定的,促进三国学生之间的学术交流而制定的合作计划。

“CAMPUS ASIA” (Collective Action of Mobility Program of University Students In ASIA) is a cross-border student mobility program among China, Japan, and Korea to promote academic exchanges between students from the three countries, initiated by the agreement of the summit Meeting of China, Japan, and Korea in 2010.
From July 10 to 16, 2023, Zhejiang University, together with Chiba University, Yonsei University, and King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, will hold the international graduate summer school-CAMPUS Asia design workshop. The workshop aims to use design thinking methods to solve complex problems in modern society and cultivate socially innovative design talents with a global perspective and strong action capabilities.
The Design Workshop will include a series of activities such as on-site lectures, workshops, and presentations. Participants will have the chance to exchange ideas and collaborate, promoting design innovation and cooperation in the Asia region. We believe that this event will provide rare opportunities for students and teachers from different countries and regions to cooperate and communicate, laying a solid foundation for their future development.
We will conduct in-depth interviews with Professor Sun Lingyun, Professor Huang Jinghua, Professor Wang Guanyun and Professor Xiang Wei from the International Design Institute of Zhejiang University, to provide unique design insights and outlooks for students.
We look forward to your participation and attention in this design workshop. Let’s explore the world together and contribute to the innovation and development of the Asian region!
More details are continuously being updated.



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