
教授 / Professor

浙江大学工业设计系系主任,浙江大学现代工业设计研究所副所长,中国机械工程学会工业设计分会副秘书长,中国好设计商业模式评审组组长。研究主要关注设计认知,类比推理、文化创新设计、设计策略等,是国内最早关注设计和商业融合的研究者 之一,出版国内第一本商业与设计融合的著作《商业创新设计》。在商业创新设计领域里,提 出商业洞察、商业设计工具和商业模式三部分构成的理论架构。
作为负责人承担了国家社科基金艺术学项目、中国工程院重大咨询项目、国家自然科学基金等课题,以第一作者和通讯作者 在国际期刊《The Design Journal》 、《Design Studies》 、《International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics》 、《Computers in Human Behavior》 等上面发表多篇高水平论文,出版著作 4 部,教材 1 部。

Chunlei Chai’s research focuses on design innovation theory and application, including design cognition, analogy reasoning, cultural innovation design, design strategy, and so on. More than 20 journal articles were published in Design Studies, The Design Journal, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Computers in Human Behavior, and other journals. 17 papers were published in international conferences. 4 books have been published and widely recognized. Chai Chunlei has undertaken more than 10 national and provincial projects, and the results of the consultation projects have been adopted by the State Council.