Prof. Pey Kin Leong

新加坡科技设计大学副教务长 / Associate Provost of Singapore University of Technology and Design

Pey Kin Leong is currently the Associate Provost (Undergraduate Studies and SUTD Academy) and a Professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Pey Kin Leong was appointed by the Singapore Ministry of Education to take up the current SUTD position in 2010. Pey Kin Leong was previously the Head of the Microelectronics Division, Director of the Nanyang NanoFabrication Center and Director of the Microelectronic Centre in the School of EEE at the Nanyang Technological University. A senior member of IEEE, Pey Kin Leong was the General Chair of IPFA-2001, Singapore and the co-General Chair of IPFA-2004, Taiwan. Pey Kin Leong is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineer, Singapore and ASEAN Academy of Engineering & Technology. Pey Kin Leong is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Devices and Materials Reliability. Pey Kin Leong has published more than 208 international refereed publications, 221 technical papers at international meetings or conferences and 6 book chapters, and holds 39 US patents. Pey Kin Leong has graduated more than 32 PhD and 15+ Master theses. Pey Kin Leong has been recognized by IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW) as one of the top 20 experts in 2018 of the Front-End device reliability . (

白敬良教授目前担任新加坡科技设计大学(新科大)的副教务长,主管本科教学和新科大专业培训学院(SUTD Academy)的相关工作。在2010年被新加坡教育部任命为现任职务前,白教授曾任新加坡南洋理工大学电机与电子工程学院(EEE)微电子系系主任、南洋纳米制造技术中心主任、及微电子研究中心主任。作为电机与电子工程师协会(IEEE)的高级会员,白教授曾担任过2001年在新加坡举办的国际集成电路物理与失效分析会议(IPFA-2001)的会议主席,以及2004年在台湾举办的国际集成电路物理与失效分析会议(IPFA-2004)的联合会议主席。他还是新加坡工程师学会会士、东盟工程与技术科学院(AAET)的成员、和IEEE期刊《设备和材料可靠性》的编辑。白教授至今已出版了同行审阅的国际科研文章208篇,在国际会议上发表技术论文221篇,著书6章,拥有美国专利39项。他累计指导了32名博士和15名硕士。2018年,白教授被IEEE国际集成可靠性研讨会(IIRW)评选为前端设备可靠性领域20名顶级专家之一(。

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Title and Synopsis of the presentation

Keyshot Title: Transforming the 21st century education for technically-grounded leaders and innovators

Recognising that today’s innovations are heavily driven by cultural, social and symbolic elements, design has been recognised as a key for future innovation.Educators can harness design thinking and innovation in technology to inculcate in students such a mindset of innovative thinking. In this talk, how design thinking i.e., Big-D approach used at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in helping students to develop a mindset of technically-grounded design covering the entire design process and value-chain of conception, development, prototyping, operation and maintenance for products, systems and services will be shared. How design projects are developed to constantly promote teamwork and collaboration, and to stimulate creativity and entrepreneurship within a multidisciplinary curriculum will be illustrated.  Participants will be able to understand how learning for students can be designed to inherently include risk-taking, critical thinking, data-analysis, decision making and encountering mistakes and failures that challenge the underlying assumptions and fundamentals. I will explain how a full 360° mind is trained, by combining theory (science) and practice (art), to create innovations for a betterment of society. In addition, I will also provide participants with an understanding of how active learning, coupled with physical experience and cognitive science-based pedagogies, further enhances the experience of technically-grounded design and innovation.
