张彦敏 教授级高工

中国机械工程学会常务副理事长,教授级高工 / Executive Vice President of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Professor of Engineering

Zhang Yanmin is the Executive Vice Chairman of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, the Vice President of China Machinery Industry Federation, the Vice Chairman of Innovation Design Alliance of China and the Secretary-General of Intelligent Manufacturing Alliance of CAST Member Societies.Having been engaged in studies on mechanical engineering technology and machinery industry development strategies, he has participated into projects including the formulation of the 12th and the 13th Five-Year Plan for China’s mechanical industry, researches on the Manufacturing Power strategy, and studies on Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of Innovation design in Manufacturing Industry. He has also participated into the organization of the major consultancy project-Research on Development Strategies of Innovation design-of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and key consultancy projects including Research on Design Competitiveness and Counselling Research on Implementation of the Ten-Year Action for Innovation Design.
