
设计学博士生 / PHD Student-2019

Yue Yang is a researcher, designer, and engineer working on her Ph.D. at the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University in China. Her research interest lies in human-computer interaction (HCI), particularly at the intersection of digital fabrication, material, sensing, and healthcare. She is passionate about combining design and technology to democratize fabrication that adaptively improves humans’ lives. She has been awarded by Reddot Design Award, iF Design Award, Dezeen Award, James Dyson Award, etc. Her research has been published in top HCI journals and conferences, including CHI and Ubicomp.
2019年毕业于浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院工业设计专业,现为浙江大学设计学博士研究生。主要从事人机交互、数字化设计与制造、无障碍设计等研究;融合设计、制造、材料、传感、医疗康复等多学科知识,为大众 (包括老人、儿童、残障人士、临床从业者) 降低设计制造的成本和门槛,致力于实现平等、灵活、提升大众生活品质和幸福感的设计;设计作品获红点、iF、JDA、Dezeen等国际设计大奖,相关研究成果在CHI、IMWUT(Ubicomp)等国际顶级 (CCF-A类) 学术会议发表。
Education 教育经历
2019 to present, Ph.D. Student of Design, College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University
2015-2019, Bachelor of Industrial Design, College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University
Awards and Exhibitions 设计奖项与展览

Selected Publications 代表性论文

Public Talks and Oral Presentations

  • 2023.04, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023), Hamburg, Germany, “E-Orthosis: Augmenting Off-the-Shelf Orthoses with Electronics”.
  • 2022.12, PhD Colloquium on Design Research of China, Guangzhou, China (virtual), “ShrinCage: 4D Printing Accessories that Self-Adapt” (Best Paper Award and Best Poster Award).
  • 2021.12, Harmonious Human-Machine Environment Joint Academic Conference of China (CCF HHME), Xiamen, China (Virtual), “ShrinCage: 4D Printing Accessories that Self-Adapt”.
  • 2021.05, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021), Yokohama, Japan (virtual), “ShrinCage: 4D Printing Accessories that Self-Adapt”.
  • 2020.05, Virtual CHI 2020: Fabrication Event, virtual, “ShrinkyKit: 3D Printing Shrinkable Adaptations for Everyday Objects”.

Reviewer: CHI 2023, Chinese CHI 2022