



这是一种全新的思维方式,建筑将作为流水线上的最终产品进行生产和组装。 用柔性制造的方法生产预制模块,降低制造成本、提高生产效率, 更可以在48小时之内完成组装,成为一栋可以入住的屋舍。 因为模块化预制的特点,能够满足各种用房需求,能够在各种极端环境中, 提供可靠的住宿环境,也可以作为保障性住房提供给低收入人群。 在我们面对各种灾害的时候成为短期的安全庇护所,帮助人们过度难关。 这款模块化建筑产品以全新的设计理念和制造理念满足各种环境要求、 不需要硬化土地,对环境完全友好。 同时屋舍本体采用绿色设计理念,实现能源再利用、低能耗的目的。 易舍模块化建筑将践行中国制造2025,为绿色设计提供有力支持。

This is a new way of thinking, the buildings will serve as final products of manufacturing and assem­- bly lines. Prefabricated modules manufactured with flexible, lower manufacturing costs, improves the pro­- duction efficiency. Assembly process of a livable house can be finished within 48 hours. Because of the features of prefabricated modular, it can meet a variety of needs. It can provide secure accommodation under extreme environments, can also be used as affordable housing for low-income people. In times of disasters, it’ll become a short-term safe haven to help people get through this hardship. This modular building product with a new design concept and philosophy meets multiple environ­ mental requirements, does not require land-hardening, is completely friendly to the environment. Also the house body uses Green Design concept to achieve the purpose of energy saving. EASY Modular Space will firmly practice the concept of “Made in China 2025” and provides its strong support for the green design.